
Thursday, 29 June 2017

Week 9 Meeting With Richard

Talking about the Hornby Primary School Forum Next Thurdsday. We are all excited for this and we all hope that it will be a successful day. We all look forward to this.

Talking about writing an artacle. So after the forum we have to write an article for the hornby primary newspaper which is cool.

Working on our presentation. We have a presentation that we are going to be showing hornby primary school. We can't say anything about it at te moment because it is a surprize.

Thankyou for viewing our blog post.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Todays Meeting

Discussion points:

Buddy bench how we can help:
We talked about how we can develop a buddy system,we talked about having a list of stuff we can do,how we can train the class for buddies. 

Run some training to develop having a buddies who best suits with who. Make them feel welcome,take interest in them and talk to them when you see them. How to get the concept across/how learn something envolve people to do.

From YMS Student Council.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Introducing: The YMS Student Council 2017

Hi, We are the YMS Student Council this year. We are the ones that you can come to If you want to ask us anything. We can help you this year and you can give us suggestions if you think you know something that can change the school. If we think that it is a good idea then we will try and make it happen. So have fun this year at YMS.